Cats are full of personality. While their strange quirks and behaviors make them such special companions, sometimes their behavior can become concerning or cause strain within your household. Here are several typical behavior issues we often see in our feline friends.
Cats are known to scratch to refresh and sharpen their nails. Therefore, it is important to keep your cat’s nails trimmed and provide them with designated scratching areas, such as scratch posts and toys. If your cat scratches your furniture, do not swat them with your hands or feet, as they may mistake this for play. Instead, redirect them to their scratch post and offer positive reinforcement.
Some cats are aggressive while playing and may bite or scratch, while others may exhibit aggression when feeling scared or anxious. It’s important to determine the root of your cat’s aggression. If they are growing aggressive while playing, remove yourself from playtime to show them that you do not condone their behavior. Do not follow them if they are aggressive out of fear and hide from you. Allow them to recognize they are not in danger and give them to come back to the situation on their own time.
House Soiling
House soiling is a messy, destructive behavioral problem that requires prompt correction. Cats are very particular about their litter box; if it is not clean, they may urinate or defecate in your home. It is important to keep their litter box clean to encourage them to use it. If you have more than one cat, having more than one litter box is essential. Cats may also relieve themselves outside the litter box due to health conditions such as bladder stones or infections.
Correcting unpleasant cat behavior at home is possible, but in some instances, the negative behavior stems from underlying health conditions. Contact your local veterinarian today if you are struggling with your cat’s behavior.